Thursday, October 12, 2006

invisible cows

Beware Invisible Cows
Originally uploaded by butter in the sun.
Old man Billy Bob gets a loan from the bank to buy a high priced bull. A few days later, the banker comes along and asks, "How's our bull doing?"

Billy Bob says, "Our bull ain't doing too good. I got him out there in the pasture with a bunch of young cows and he don't want nothing to do with them." So the bank suggests he call a veterinarian.

A couple of days later, the banker comes along again and says, "How's our bull doing now?"

Billy Bob says, "Plenty darn good. He done serviced all of my cows, jumped the fence, and is working on the neighbors' cows."

The banker says, "Wow! What did the Vet give him?"

Billy Bob says, "He gave him some pills."

The banker says, "What kind of pills?"

Billy Bob says, "I don't know, but they tasted sort of like peppermint."


Blogger Tromatojuice said...

Holy crap ! This one rocks.

Congrats for your blog, I like it a lot. Especially the photos.

Keep up the good work !

November 04, 2008  

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