Friday, November 09, 2007

blow me

Originally uploaded by raquelydavid
A woman walks into an adult video store and says to the shop assistant "I want an inflatable doll."

The shop assistant says "I have two types. Christian Dolls and Muslim Dolls."

The girl asks "what is the difference?"

The shop assistant replies, "muslims blow themselves up."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Saddistic white woman who reads the Mail and The Sun and uses internet dating websites sits and thinks...'how can I get attention' hmmm...

A woman walks into an adult video store and says to the shop assistant "I want an inflatable doll."
The shop assistant says "I have two types. Christian Dolls and Muslim Dolls."
The girl asks "what is the difference?"
The shop assistant replies, "muslims blow themselves up."

^ get it? Hahaha

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god one of my friends was a muslim and she blew her self up and it was so funny her other muslim friend blew herself up too because she was muslim HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

atleast home made bombs do better jobs then blow up dolls

just take a look at iraq babes...

theres caucasian flesh flying everyday :P

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who commented previously? Are you insane? There are no muslims in my area...they blew themselves up!

Oh that's why I'm so racist..because I've never met a muslim in my life...sorry!

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ Wow. How are you still alive? You better be careful, don't stand anywhere near a Mozlem, they might just take you with them :o

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert I saw you on T.V rooting for the BNP.

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This joke is too funny...

I walk into a bar.
Sit next to a guy with a beard.
He's a mus-KABOOOM!


^Get it "H"?

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert, that's partly Americas fault too, right?

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is see is abuse is that western women must wear makeup, tight or revealing clothing and follow some sort of stereotype of 'beauty' , i find it abusive that women are viewed as a piece of meat in some western societies.

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert's cooool!

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to "freedom of choice"?
Woman A wants to wear revealing clothes, where as Woman B wants to cover up.
Let people be.

Everyone needs to stop stereotpying, I mean honestly, how many Muslims in your area have blown themselves up? I am a Muslim woman and I cover because it's what I believe in. I'm not oppressed. And Nope, I don't carry grenades around with me, and no I don't have bombs strapped to me when I go to university. Neither do I sit at the back of my lecture theatre with books on "how make bombs". I don't know where you're from (orignal poster), but really, get your head out of your ass and look around at the real world where majority of Muslims are against any sort of terrorism.

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the joke was written as a joke and even though you have sex with blow up dolls, look like a guy and have a terrible political opinions - I have to be serious for a moment. All these stereotypes start with a joke, like the one you just made. You have to understand that muslim people are simply media scapegoats. Like previously, the Irish, black people, asians, immigrants etc. Except that Muslims have ALWAYS been victimised because of what they wear, their religion etc. Isn't that a bit ignorant? You're told how to think... I suggest you wake up and think a little. Muslims aren't bad people and you know how the english language is stolen from Latin and all that, part of it came from Arabic...and oh heavens no those Arabs were muslims :O ... surely you can't use the terms they brought to the english language if you hate muslim?

November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You idiots muslims dont play with dolls they play with match sticks its easier that way

November 16, 2008  

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