Thursday, July 27, 2006

separated at birth

Strange but true
Originally uploaded by bettyboop69.

wizards on wheels

sure a bicycle was more eco-friendly but Gandalf swore he'd give his left nut for a wagon ride... in fact, after riding the last three days on the plastic seat, he wasn't sure he even had a left nut anymore

sleeping with the fishes

Ariella Goes Grocery Shopping
Originally uploaded by evansent.
having hated fishsticks her entire life, it made no sense to any one, including Kelly herself, as to why she suddenly felt the compulsion to fill her duvet with Van De Kamps

Jersey City Parking Authority

DSC_8651- Jerking Authority
Originally uploaded by dogseat.
that explains why I always felt like I was being jerked around when I visited New Jersey

Thursday, July 06, 2006

don't forget these!

June Parties 120
Originally uploaded by Swing Chica.
tired of having her cleavage overlooked and realizing that all women felt that way, Susan discovered a huge market of Cleavage Attention waiting to be tapped. For a small fee, Susan (or one of her trained assistants) will evaluate and adjust the client's boobies to ensure the most attention possible. If necessary, temporary tattoos can be applied, in order to draw a man's eyes 'down there'

"honest officer.."

Originally uploaded by lolowar.
Gerry is trying to talk his way out of being arrested for indecent exposure

(how's that for a bad pun?)